The 2022 not-so-short list

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Monarch Award garden visits are happening soon! Lots of them! Of the 30 applications received, 24 gardens have been selected to receive a visit from the Monarch Awards review team…. Read more »

Time to apply for a Monarch Award

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Did you know that the application deadline is always at midnight on the day of summer solstice? This year (2022) that’s Tuesday June 21. It’s the longest day of the… Read more »

It’s Monarch Award Time

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Gardens are bustin’ out! Get out there, take some photos (or use some from last season) and apply for a Monarch Award. The deadline is June 21– only ten days… Read more »

2021 Recipients Announced

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Congratulations to the 2021 recipients of Hamilton’s Monarch Awards garden recognition program. Out of 26 applicants, three will receive a full Monarch Award and ten will receive a Caterpillar level… Read more »

Garden on, Hamilton!

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COVID-19 could bring you a Monarch Award May 18, 2021. With the extension of Ontario’s stay-at-home order, Hamiltonians have gained another few weeks of uninterrupted time in their gardens. What… Read more »

Debbie Lindeman and Dennis Price: 2020 Monarch Award recipients

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Debbie Lindeman and Dennis Price and their gardens are profiled by Environment Hamilton staffer and Monarch Awards committee member Beatrice Ekoko.